Saturday 1 November 2014

Green Smoothie.

I'm 99.4% sure that it is a commonly held belief that healthy people drink green smoothies. See, that's the view that I've always had, but we all know that super fit, healthy people are a very special, particular kind of human and so therefore it is permissible to let them continue living in their green smoothie filled world whilst we mere mortals continue in out not so green, more so chocolate filled world. But it was not so simple as that.

These healthy people were not content to just drink their green smoothies and continue on with the yoga and jogging. No, no. They took it upon themselves to broadcast the fact that in the mere mortal world we were being deprived of a great (and coincidently highly nutritious) green coloured smoothie concoction. Scroll down your Instagram newsfeed; green smoothies. Jump on Facebook; green smoothies. Go to a cafe; green smoothies. There was no escape.

I have a rather bad habit of claiming a great and all consuming dislike of foods that I have never tried. It's probably not the characteristic that I am most proud of but I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope that it has saved me from consumption of many god-awful tasting foods. Green smoothie fell into this category. I thought to myself, 'how in god's name can blended spinach and kale and other completely non-complementary foods mixed together and presented nicely in a mason jar with crazy things that I've never even heard of (hello chia seeds, I'm looking at you) even taste good?!' I concluded that they could not ever possibly taste good and continued on eating my chocolate.

But the green smoothie would not relent. Everywhere I went people were drinking green smoothie's, everyone I met was drinking green smoothie's. I thought to myself that unless all these people have been abducted by aliens and brainwashed (highly possible given aliens are bright green and so too are these fabled green smoothie's...), there must be some kind of deliciousness that I am missing out on.

So, the moral of the story is that I succumbed to the pressure and decided to try this green smoothie business. Long story short, it actually tasted good, and I am now one of those people who'll bombard you with pictures to make the point that green smoothie = tasty. #NoRegrets

1 large handful baby spinach
2 bananas, peeled and frozen overnight then chopped up
1 handful fresh mint
1 tsp matcha (optional, although tasty)
Rind and juice of 1 lime
1 kiwi fruit, peeled and chopped
2 tbsp chia seeds (optional)

1. This recipe is really complicated.... you'll need to put everything in the blender and blend until well combined! LOOK AT THAT! Now you're also one of those people who'd bombarding everyone with the fact that your green smoothie is tasty! Wow.Who'd have thought?!

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